
Fireproof Your Finances: Expanding Occupational Medicine at Your Urgent Care

According to the Urgent Care Association’s 2022 Benchmarking Report, while 79% of urgent care centers offer occupational medicine, many don’t market their services or pursue new direct-to-employer contracts. Why? Because of the hurdles in billing and operations.

In this live webinar + Q&A, Cowork Health Cofounder, Dusty Schroeder and Solv Head of Industry Relations, April Gillam walk through:

✅Industry data surrounding occupational medicine trends, urgent care participation, and opportunities for your business to expand

✅3 key strategies to streamline occupational medicine operations and billing through technology

✅Where to begin if you aren't performing occupational medicine yet

✅How a real urgent care increased their occupational medicine outcomes and revenue through streamlined technology


How to Build a Profitable Occ Med Program | Build it. Earn it. Sell it.